Head Massage Therapy

Head Massage Therapy

Head massage therapy can be very useful in relaxation and ways to come to terms with new life style changes.

Head massage therapy origins stem from an Indian remedial and grooming practice which had been and continues to be part of the Indian daily ritual for over 4,000 years. The ancient Indians believed that when energy channels become blocked and the flow of positive energy is obstructed, negative energy builds up and increasingly leads to a wide array of ailments and dysfunctions such as stress, depression, poor sleeping habits, localized and remote pains and aches, hampered and sluggish blood circulation, overall poor health, as well as loss of hair or baldness. The main focus and intent of the Indian Head massage, therefore, is to open up the blockages and to allow the positive energy to flow freely through the entire body and in the process to get rid of the amassed negative energy.

Head Massage Therapy
Tired business woman working in office

Indians in times of yore, young and old and mostly women but not exclusively, sat in large groups and massaged each other’s heads. They began by applying a variety of nut and grain oils (coconut, almond, olive or sesame) which were to nourish the hair and scalp while, at the same time, the massage promoted improved circulation. Today’s modern Indians get their head massage treatments regularly in beauty salons and barber shops.

Head massage therapy  introduction to the Western World

The Indian Head massage was introduced into the Western world in the early years of the 1970s by Narendra Mehta, a native of Bombay, India and an osteopath and a massage therapist. As countless techniques for the Indian Head massage were passed down through the generations, Mr. Mehta developed his own particular technique by integrating the head, neck, and shoulder and massage into a single robust therapy which promotes and elevates the body to heightened states of physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness. Mr. Mehta branded his comprehensive massage treatment as Champissage. Champi means “head massage” in Indian and it is also, by the way, the origin of the English word “shampoo.” With the help of Mr. Mehta’s promotional campaign, Champissage rapidly gained popularity in Europe and elsewhere around the world, and he summarizes his own belief which, in fact, echoes the belief of his ancestors by making the following statement out of his current home base in London: “Unfortunately, in the West, many people worry about their hair’s health only when they start to lose it. Healthy hair should be promoted from childhood with the help of regular massage.”

The body has seven chakras which are centers that regulate the flow of energy all through the body. Champissage works on the top three energy centers or chakras which are found on the crown of the head, the forehead and the throat as it aims to bring the entire body into corrected alignment and proper balance. The resulting effects are strong, silky and shiny hair, relief from stress, restful sleep patterns, increased energy and sharpened mental clarity.

Head massage therapy  performance

The Indian Head Massage or the Champissage is performed in a quiet place where the client can sit comfortably on a chair and the massage therapist can either stand or sit directly behind him or her. The sequence of the treatment is as follows:

  • The shoulders. Gently squeezing the trapezoid muscles at the base of the neck and moving outward toward the shoulders. This is repeated three times while slightly increasing the pressure.
  • The neck. The neck is massaged with small circular motions, beginning at the collarbone and ending at the hairline. This is repeated three times.
  • The sides of the neck are then stroked with a rolling motion beginning under the jawbone and ending at the shoulders. This is repeated three times.
  • Avoiding the vertebrae, the back of the neck is pressed with a gliding and rotating motion from the collar bone up to the hairline and it is repeated five times.
  • The head. The head is moved slowly and gently forward and backward three times.
  • The entire area of the scalp is massaged with rolling gentle pressure four or five times and then the scalp is rubbed briskly without causing pain for a full minute.
  • The hair. Fingers are run through the hair from the forehead back three times.
  • The temples. The temples are worked with small circular massaging and pressing movements three times.
  • The end. Slowly stroking the entire head area from the forehead to the back for a minute and progressively making the strokes lighter and lighter.

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Talking to Children about the Alcoholic Parent

Talking to Children about the Alcoholic Parent

Talking to children about the alcoholic parent needs to be done with a strong sense for the healthy living life style free of alcoholism.  Living a life free of alcohol has a much better chance of being a happy life with meaningful success.  Alcohol is a drug that people abuse for entertainment and kicks, until they joy goes out of it, and then it becomes a very expensive financially and also negative for  the health of the alcohol drinker.

Talking to Children about the Alcoholic Parent

Living with an alcoholic is even more difficult when you have kids that are seeing this display. It is hard to explain to kids why one parent has to drink and not do anything with the family. In many cases, kids ask questions that need to be answered and you have a hard time doing it. You do not want them to hate the parent that drinks, but you also do not wan them to follow in the same footsteps. They also might not want to have friends over because of the drinking. As a parent, you have to talk to the kids so that they understand.

Talking to children about the alcoholic parent with honesty.

Be honest with the kids. If they have questions, you have to give them truthful answers. You do not have to say that the parent is a drunk, but you do have to explain that drinking is a disease and the parent needs help, but is not getting it. Explaining and answering their questions can be hard. Sometimes you just want to tell them that you do not know why the person drinks, but then you are not helping them understand anything. You need to be truthful, but you also have to shield them from some things about the alcoholic.

They have friends and they do not want their friends to see a drunken parent. This can be very hard for kids to understand. This is especially hard on the kids if the other kid’s parents are the ones forbidding the kids to come to your house. Many parents do not want their kids subjected to the problems or the alcohol abuse. They are afraid of what might happen. This hard for the kids and when the other kids cannot come and play at their house, they can become lonely and depressed.

Talking to children about the alcoholic parent and the natural healthy life style.

You have to be strong for the kids, but you also need to make sure that they have a good life. This can be done by being there fro them and taking them to places where they will have fun with other kids. Sometimes it is easier to let the kids play at the neighbor’s house so they are not around the drinking, but then they are not getting the attention they need from the non-drinking parent. It is hard to have kids in a home where an alcoholic resides.

Ask them how they feel and listen. You need to understand how the kids feel. They have no one to talk to but you. It is not like they can discuss their feelings with their friends. You have to be there for them and listen to how they feel. It is not uncommon for children of alcoholic parents to grow up to drink. They are learning at a young age that drinking is acceptable unless you tell them differently.

Talking to children about the alcoholic parent and explain that a healthy lifestyle is always the best choice to make.

Make sure that the kids understand that this is not how people should live. You have to stress the unhealthiness of drinking. You are the teacher and you have to make sure that the kids do not grow up thinking that this way of living is all there is for them. If you need help talking to a child, support groups and even a church minister can help. Children of alcoholic parents need to have some structure in their life outside of the home. You have to make sure that the kids are happy and well cared for so that they grow up to be well-adjusted adults even if you live with an alcoholic.

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How to Help the Alcoholic Join AA

How to Help the Alcoholic Join AA

How to help the alcoholic join AA (Alcohol Anonymous) group, it can be the best thing, sharing time with other people that have experiences the addiction of alcohol dependency.

If you live with an alcoholic, chances are good that you want him or her to quit drinking. This is not something that you can just mention in casual conversation when you are talking to someone that thinks that they do not have a problem. If you do, it could cause an argument because most alcoholics do not think that they have a problem. They usually retaliate that you are the one with the problem. You want the person to get help, but it is not easy to do. Most alcoholics do not receive any help until something bad happens. You can do a few things to try to help the person join AA.

How to Help the Alcoholic Join AA

How to help the alcoholic join Alcohol Anonymous group for sharing life.

Never be forceful or the person is not going to do it. Telling the person that they have to attend AA is not the answer. Even most judges that order a criminal to attend the group are just fooling themselves if they think the person is really trying to quit drinking. A person has to want to help him or herself. You can try to force the person, but this is going to cause more problems than you have already. You may mention it is casual conversation, but if the person does not see what they are doing, chances are, they will resist any conversation.

Offer your support when they need it. If you offer to give the person support and be there when they need you, they will see that you want to help. Often, this does not work as well as you want. Never support their drinking, but support them in the job and if they have any other good points. You have to compliment their good points to get the trust that you need to help them. This can be very hard to especially if you are fed up with the drinking.

How to help the alcoholic join AA by going with him/her.

Join a group such as Al-Anon so that he or she knows that you are there for them. Tell them that you joined the group because you need help understanding. There is nothing wrong with joining a group and letting them know that you are serious and worried about your life together. Living with an alcoholic is not all rosy, as some would think. The alcoholic does not just drink and pass out. They can be abusive without even knowing what they are doing. This is the saddest part of living with the alcoholic.

Introduce the alcoholic to a member of AA that they might get along with and talk. This one-step can work. If the person gets involved with someone that does not drink and they find something they both like to do, this could curb the drinking. It is not going to stop it, but as you see the difference, you can mention that is so nice to see him or her having fun or enjoying something. This is the first step to maybe getting the person to join AA and meet other people that also have drinking problems and want help.

How to help the alcoholic join AA without threats.

Threats will not work. If you threaten to leave or take the kids and divorce the alcoholic, you are going to lose. Most alcoholics do not care what you do as long as they have the money to drink and a place to sleep. Then again, threatening to kick the person out will not work either. There is always someone that will allow him to drink. You will lose the battle if you use threats that the person does not care about anyways. Calling the authorities only works for so long as well. After a while the alcoholic will get more upset or leave and never return.

Volunteer to accompany them to the first meeting. If you are lucky enough to get a little cooperation, you can accompany him or her to a meeting. This will show that you do care and want the person to at least give it a try. You can be nonchalant about it because making a big deal will backfire. You have to be careful how you talk and what you sat when you live with an alcoholic. The mood can change in a second and you may never know why.

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How to Help an Alcoholic Stop Drinking

How to Help an Alcoholic Stop Drinking

How to help an alcoholic stop drinking can start most naturally by becoming more aware of the dangers of alcohol drinking, especially drinking for entertainment purposes.  Human body is designed in a way that it can experience natural high from living a healthy life, and being physically active in the natural outdoors world,  with people, and relationships, the life within interacting with the life in the natural world can bring about experiences that can be described as being a natural high, feeling good without drugs.

How to Help an Alcoholic Stop Drinking

If the person that you live with wants to stop drinking, you have to help as well. When an alcoholic wants to stop, you have to give up a few things that you may enjoy. The person will need your support when they are trying to stop the drinking and change. This is not easy for the person to do and you have to be the strong one again. You have to offer encouragement and not offer judgment. Judging the alcoholic that is asking for help is not going to work. You have to offer compassion and support. They are not just doing this for themselves. They are doing it for you as well.

How to help an alcoholic stop drinking by open discussion.

Talk with them about what they are doing. This should be done when they are not drinking. You can calmly explain how the drinking is affecting the family. You can tell them how it has affected your children and your own feelings. In most cases, the alcoholic does not even realize what he or she has done to the family. They never take the time to see how their drinking affects anyone. All they know is that they were doing what they wanted to do.

Make sure that the person knows that you will stand by them through this time. This is probably one of the hardest things to do, but if you care about this person, you have to stand by them and offer any support that you can. If they join AA and continue to attend meetings, the 12-step program could bring up some bad memories that you do not want to hear, but you must listen and forgive or at least try. This is the hardest part of the 12-step program. It can bring back some horrible memories that could be very upsetting.

How to help an alcoholic stop drinking by having a alcohol free weekends.

Offer to stop drinking in front of them if you drink. This is important until the alcoholic feels comfortable with what they are accomplishing. If the person is trying to refrain from drinking and attending meetings, you do not want to be drinking in front of him or her. You have to make some changes as well. You cannot sit and drink even a few cocktails in front of them because the urge to drink for them will be strong until they learn how to control those urges. They may have an urge and slip, but you could offer help there as well.

Offer to be with them whenever they feel a need to drink. If they feel the urge to drink coming, you can be there for the person. Make the thoughts and urges go away by offering to go for a walk or to take a ride. If you have never had an addiction, you cannot for a minute understand how the person feels inside. It is hard to control the urge if the person has been drinking for so long. Do something or go to a diner for a few coffees and just talk.

How to help an alcoholic stop drinking by organizing week end retreats and outdoor trips.

When the person wants to drink, think of something else the two of you could do instead. This is the best thing you could do for someone that wants to quit drinking, but is have problems with it. You have to be strong and offer to listen or just sit and hold their hand. You have to be supportive and do whatever you can to make sure that they have another option to drinking. It is not easy to overcome an addiction, but with your support and the help of a group or treatment, they can succeed.

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Lifestyle healthy mind connection

Lifestyle healthy mind connection

Lifestyle healthy mind connection is real, there is the reality of the direct cause and effect to the physical active world and the thoughts of the mind.  What could be more simple to understand, than the direct connection of the physical life to the mental processes of the mind.  Physical activity creates the content that the mind perceives, receives and stored in memory banks of the conscious and unconscious mind.   Therefore it is vital to have a healthy active physical life, if possible spend time outdoors walking, exploring and wonders of the natural environment landscapes.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection
woman breathing fresh air and oxygen outdoors

Taking care of our body is important because we want to have a long and happy life. Taking care of the mind is equally important and that is why you will find so many messages out there about brain exercises and finding new ways to think. In order to gain the most from these forms of activities though you need to take a close look at your lifestyle habits. If you take part in those that are preventing your brain from being as healthy as possible then now is the time to stop.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection with ways to undo stress.

Too much stress is very damaging to the brain as a whole. When you are under too much stress you aren’t going to be able to focus you attention where it needs to be. You will also not be in the best of moods to encourage your mind to develop positive memories from various situations. When you have too much stress your brain produces large amounts of cortisol as well. This can make you feel very sluggish and it can cloud your judgment.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection with quality sleep time

Getting adequate rest is another area where may people don’t make the grade. It can be hard to get everything done in a single day that we need to. People tend to take on more and more these days. Yet you do have to take care of your basic needs properly if you want to accomplish anything the next day. A healthy mind starts with getting enough sleep each night. Try to get into a routine of going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time each day. This will help your mind to be well rested for what it needs to process when you are awake.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection with physical dynamics

Making a commitment to exercise at least 30 minutes each day is also important. You want to do this for your physical health. However, it is also going to impact your brain and your mental well being. Don’t make excuses that you can’t find the time to do it. Make sure you know your own fitness level and that you don’t go beyond that.

When you take part in physical exercise more oxygen gets to the brain. This will create chemicals that protect the brain cells. As a result you will be less likely to suffer from mental health problems and memory loss. You will also have a better attitude and more energy.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection and toxic prevention

Avoid common harmful activities such as consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Both of them will reduce the amount of oxygen that gets to the brain. As you make a commitment to eliminate such lifestyle choices from your daily routine you will find that your efforts to maintain a healthy mind are going in the right direction.

Lifestyle healthy mind connection review

Take a close and personal assessment of your own habits and lifestyle. Make those changes that need to be in place so that you are going to live a long and healthy life. Too many people don’t think these aspects of their live really matter but they definitely do. There is plenty of scientific evidence to show that when these elements aren’t in place it is harder to maintain a healthy mind. You may be trying your best in some areas but without all of them there will be key pieces of the puzzle missing.

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Improve your Memory with Brain Exercises

Improve your memory with brain exercises

Improve your memory with brain exercises is a practical and logical approach to improve the functions of the mind. memory is very much at the center of the conscious mind for human every day activities.

Our memories are a very precious part of us because they remind us of the good times and the bad times that we have experienced. Not everyone has a memory that is as good as they would like. Sure, we all laugh when we forget what we were going to say or we walk into a room to do something and then have no idea what it is when we get in there. Your memory isn’t something that you want to see weaken so it is important for you to engage in a variety of brain exercises. They will help you to improve your ability in this department.

There are basic memory games where you have to match two like things. You can do this with a deck of cards or you can buy a memory game. Turning over two of them, if they are a match you get to remove them from the pile. If they don’t match you turn them face down again. Then you turn over one more card. The objective is to remember what you see where so you can match up pairs with those cards that have been exposed so far. You can even play such games online by clicking your mouse to show what you want to turn over.

Association is a great way to improve your memory. This type of scenario allows you to connect something new with something that is familiar. For example you can associate a person’s name when you are introduced with something that is familiar to you. Then when you see them again that familiar thing will be triggered by your brain and you will remember their name as well as were you met them. This is a handy tool when you are continually meeting new individuals for business or socially.

Improve your memory with brain exercises with music

Most of us really like some form of music, and so you can use what you are interested in to improve your memory. As you sing along to the songs at home or in the car you would seem to know all of the lyrics right? Now try to write them down on a piece of paper without hearing the song. Changes are that key parts of it such as the chorus will be the most to stand out in your mind. Try to play the song in your mind from start to finish and to write down as may of the lyrics as you can. This is a fun way to improve your memory as well as to discover how much you really do know about the music you listen to.

The key to being successful is to find those types of brain exercises that you find to be challenging and fun at the same time. This way you will be looking forward to doing them each day instead of avoiding them. The more you work at it the more you will see that brain exercises do improve your memory.

Improve your memory with brain exercises early as possible in life

This of these strategies as a workout for your mind. There is always room for improvement no matter how old you are or what your recalling level is right now. It is important to remember that after about the age of 30 the mind can start slowing down on a cognitive level. Don’t wait until then to start exercising your brain. Do it at an early age so that you are very on top of things as you do get older.

It can be a challenge to improve our memory with brain exercises. At the same time though it can really be a great deal of fun. Try to fit such activities into your daily schedule for at least 15 minutes. You will be surprised at how much more you remember. That will be a very good feeling for you at any age. The loss of memory can be short term in nature but it can still be frustrating. Give yourself every opportunity to have an exceptional memory that doesn’t forget those things that are important.

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Stop Smoking For Your Family

Stop smoking for your family early as possible, this may sound a bit unfair to some to be dragging their family into their own personal life. What ever the case may be, it is a really good opportunity to be an example of good healthy to the other family members. That may mean that you spend quality time outdoors in the open fresh air, and sometimes go fishing out on the tundra lakes and catch some good eating fish. That is all good for healthy living. The downside is often when getting a ride with a smoker, they smoke while driving a car, and others smoke inside their homes.  all areas that are common areas should be smoke free.  Because smoking is a serious health hazard,and many people respect good health, and they look after themselves by eating variety of foods that contain the right amounts of minerals, vitamins nutrition in general.

Stop Smoking For Your Family

If you have attempted to quit smoking you no doubt realize just how easy it was to get started smoking compared to actually quitting. Maybe the reason you are trying to quit is to set a good example for your children. This is one reason why many parents find themselves struggling to quit. They do not want their children to grow up thinking that it is ok to smoke, and it is necessary that they quit in order to set a great example. If you find yourself in this position, there are several things you can do to help make the situation much better.

One such idea that you can use would be to actually invite your children to watch the struggle. This means asking your child to be your help and strength when you are tempted to smoke. Simply talking to them about your struggles to quit can be a great way to show how difficult it really is, while at the same time getting your issues out in the open. Many times talking about problems can make them seem much smaller. This is a great way to help fight the urges of cigarettes as well, after all many parents who have open and honest relationships with their children are able to talk about a lot of issues. Use this opportunity to talk about things that are important, and encourage the extra support that you receive at the same time.

If you are focusing more on your child when you have an urge to smoke, and less on where exactly your pack of cigarettes is located it will be easier to reduce urges. You should encourage your child to help you find out remedies to your urges. For example, going with you to the store to pick out suitable candy to chew on when you get an urge, or even going with you to the store to purchase the stop smoking aid of your choice.

Allowing them to be a part of your decisions can help them to see the exact struggles that you are going through. If you merely hide your problems behind a closed door, your children may grow up thinking that it is actually easy to smoke. This could even lead them to being tempted to smoke. However, just because you are trying to have an open relationship with your child does not mean that you should actually smoke around them. The harm that second hand smoke can cause should be enough to keep you from lighting up around you; however, you could ask your child to help you maintain a smoking log.

Of course, each family has different ideas about what is acceptable to talk about, and even comfort levels. If you feel that you are pushing the borders of what you are comfortable with you can always adjust this. However, using your children to help encourage you to quit is great. After all, kids are notorious for picking on people and pointing out flaws. If you allow your child to help you with your smoking urges you may find that you really do not want to smoke anymore at all if your children are busy picking on you the entire time. No matter what works best for you and your particular situation you need to grasp at any opportunity to encourage a bond and crush the urge to smoke. Your child will be very proud of you after you have quit, and you will certainly have a much increased self-confidence.

Why Do You Smoke?

Why Do You Smoke? Is one question that many smokers don’t want to answer. They may not even know the reasons, and the initial crossing over the risk area barrier when it all started so long time ago.  Life can not be lived out to the fullest without being open to communication and other human interactions. Where there are people, there will be information and knowledge, including information about food and nutrition. There are real factual information available about good healthy foods and the need for physical activity.

Why Do You Smoke?

Many people smoke for a wide range of reasons. They can range from something as innocent as smoking when you are depressed, stressed or when you just want a quick pick me up. The idea that smoking a cigarette will make your projects go away is an innocent idea, but in reality, it is completely incorrect. Typically, what is actually beneficial is the fact that you are able to take a few brief moments out of your life to see exactly what is going on. One such example is those who work at a stressful job, looking forward to your next cigarette break is often going hand in hand with trying to break away from the stress for a few brief moments. Learning how to cut down the stress at work can be very helpful to cutting down the number of cigarettes you need as well.

Trying to quit smoking is not easy, learning the exact reason why you actually smoke is often critical to the success of the project. If you discover the exact reason why you are smoking it can make it so much easier to actually determine how to find the success that you need, in order to quit for good. Simply trying to quit for reasons that do not pertain to your situation will leave you upset and frustrated. You are likely to feel as if you are nothing more than a failure, and your overall situation is not likely to be impressive at all. However, if you take the time to discover why you specifically smoke, you will be surprised at just how much easier it is to stop.

Other reasons that many people smoke is due to being under the impression that they will not be able to smoke. This comes back to the old idea that you are never hungry at night except for the night before a medical test when you are not allowed to eat after 8p.m. Suddenly that very night you are positively starving and think that your doctor is punishing you badly for some reason. The same thing happens to smokers. If you are going somewhere and you think you will not be able to smoke, the urge to smoke may be much stronger. This often has nothing to do with actually needing or even wanting to smoke. It is nothing more than a mental game that we play with ourselves.

Many smokers find that they are only interested in smoking if they are bored. Having nothing to do leads to idle hands, which can easily create problems. Learning how to keep yourself busy is not easy, but trying to avoid boredom can often go a very long way in the battle to stop smoking. Taking the time to create a schedule for yourself that you can keep, without leaving too much down time is important. If you pack your schedule with too much, you will create stress, which could cause you to smoke even more, if you have too much free time you could become bored which can also lead to smoking more. A properly balanced schedule will ensure that you are productive without stressing.

A final consideration that you need to take into account is getting plenty of sleep. Many people smoke because they need a pick me up in the middle of the day. Finding yourself in this position is not good. Avoid staying up excessively late whenever possible. Even going to bed early once a week can add up to reducing the sleep shortage that you are experiencing. As lives are increasingly busy, it is quite easy to forget how important sleep really is. This can create a huge need to do something, almost anything to actually stay awake. Avoid smoking and ensure that you are getting the rest you really need. This simple step alone can help you to cut your smoking by as much as half if you are dedicated to getting the sleep that your body really needs to survive.

The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker

The path to becoming a Non-smoker is a real, tangible and realistic goal to have.  There are more Non-smokers in the world than there are smoker.  Smoking habit is often taken up by people who do not have the right information regards to the serious health hazards of cigarette smoking. Equally important is to have information, knowledge and understanding about good health and nutrition. These two important factors govern people decisions, if the knowledge is missing then there is no knowledge of the dangers of smoking, and they are less likely to be aware of the addictive substances namely nicotine.

The Path To Becoming A Non-Smoker

Deciding to finally quit smoking is a very lengthy process. This can take a very long period of time such as several years, or it could be something much shorter like only a few weeks or months. The exact time frame that it takes to quit can vary greatly but what is important is ensuring that you are coming up with a plan to combat your urges to smoke. At some point in your experience trying to quit you will encounter a situation where the urge to smoke is very strong. How you handle this situation will go a long way towards your ultimate success. Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you have a plan to keep your willpower strong and continue on your path to quit smoking successfully.

Tip 1. Take the time to decide exactly when you typically smoke. For example, after meals, after a jog around the block, or even after your shower each morning. Knowing when you typically smoke will put you in a good position to create a plan to combat the urge.

Tip 2. Create a plan of attack. This could be something as simple as a stress ball for your hands, or even just a piece of hard candy to keep your mouth busy. If you really enjoy the taste and feeling of a clean mouth you could try brushing your teeth each time you want to smoke, or suck on a mint flavored candy, which will freshen your breath.

Tip 3. Avoid the temptations that lurk. If you go out to eat, make sure you are sitting in the no smoking area. Avoid going into tobacco stores, and also try to limit the amount of time you are around other smokers. If you are continuously around cigarettes, it will be much harder to resist temptation.

Tip 4. Clean your house of all smoking instruments. This means all ashtrays, lighters, matches and get rid of the smell of cigarettes. Products like Febreeze are great for helping to get rid of cigarette smell, which can also trigger an urge to smoke.

Tip 5. If you have a place where you typically smoke when you are at home, think about rearranging the area. If you are able to break the routine of the situation, you will be able to resist temptation much better. This works best if you always are in the habit of smoking in the exact same place, such as a living room looking out a window. If you move the chair to a different area of the room, or refocus the center of the room then you can help to avoid the temptation to smoke whenever you are sitting in the chair looking out the window.

Tip 6. Write down your goal to quit smoking. This may seem like a minor detail but in reality, it can go a very long way towards ensuring that you keep your priority to quit smoking at the top of your agenda. If you just tell yourself that you want to quit smoking, you are more likely to cheat and ultimately give into the urge to light up again. If you have written your goal down, you are going to be more likely to actually follow it. This goes for quitting smoking, losing weight, changing your exercise routine or anything else. Written down goals can improve accountability significantly.

Tip 7. Do not discount yourself. If you are absolutely certain that you can succeed you will be much more capable of the success that you need. It is important to believe that you can succeed. This will help you to stay strong anytime a serious urge kicks in. If you decide to slip up consciously, you are going to find it is much harder to gain back any slack that you have cut for yourself. However, if you hold fast to your dedication to quit smoking you will find that each time you have an urge it is easier to handle.

Benefits of learning new words everyday

Benefits of learning new words everyday

Benefits of learning new words everyday are many fold, it is a creative power at work, that shapes and molds the mind faculties to be activated, proactive and ready for recall action as life unravels.

Benefits learning new words everyday
Parents teaching their children their vocabulary

Most of us have to rely upon a calendar each day in order to keep ourselves organized. There are calendars out there that offer a new

word each day on them. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to expand your vocabulary and to exercise your brain. Try to use the new word that you learn at least three times that day. It can be fun coming up with creative ways to insert it into conversations.

When you use these new words three times in a day, it will help with your memory. You will be able to remember what the word is and the meaning of it for a very long time. You want to be able to do more with it than just to use it that one day and then forget about it. You don’t have to use words that are huge or that won’t fit into anything you talk about either.

If you don’t have such a calendar available, use a dictionary. Just flip it open to any page and pick out a word to learn about. You can also start at the beginning of the dictionary and work your way through it. Devise a method that works well for you and then stick to it. When you get into the habit of doing this each day you will start to look forward to it. You will find that your vocabulary is quickly expanding as well.

In fact there are some specific types of words that you can choose to learn about. Some of them can be specific to a career or other type of environment. Many people enjoy these types of word learning exercises because they know that they will be able to actively use them in their daily life. It can be harder to find such materials locally though but you will have no problems finding them online.

Benefits of learning new words everyday opens the mind to be more creatively active

What many people find as they start to learn a new word each day is that they are limited in their vocabulary. Sure, you may have thousands of words that you use but the fact is that you use them over and over again. If you do lots of writing for your job you want to through in some new words to stir things up. Those that read it will notice that they aren’t getting the same old stuff that they see from everyone else. Therefore exercising your brain in this way can really help you to rise in the ranks with your employer as well.

Parents can help children to exercise their brains in this way too. For example the entire family can have a routine of learning a new word per day. Then everyone can use that word in a conversation that night at dinner. If they were able to work it into conversations throughout the day as well then that should be shared. This is a great way for the entire family to do their best to have brains that are exercised and in great shape.

Benefits of learning new words everyday for fun

There are also plenty of fun word games that you can play online too. This is a good variation of learning a new word every day. You can play them whenever you get the chance. Most of them have many levels too from beginners to advanced so start where your level is now and then work your way up from there.

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