The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen

The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen

Are you a parent? If you are, have you already had the internet safety talk with your child? If you have yet to do so, this is a discussion that you will want to have. Since many teenagers like using social networking websites, online message boards, internet chat rooms, and instant messaging programs, internet safety is a subject that must be discussed.

As nice as it is to hear that you should talk about internet safety and internet use in general with your child, you may be curious as to why it is important that you do so. For your convenience, just a few of the many reasons why you should have the internet safety talk with your child are outlined below.

woman concentrating to read

The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen: 1 – They May Not Know

How old is your child? If they are just starting to use the internet, they may be unaware of the dangers that lurk on many popular websites, including online chat rooms and social networking websites. If your child has just started using the internet to research school projects, be sure you discuss internet safety with them, as it won’t be long before they realize that they can communicate with and make new friends online.

Reason 2 – It Is Your Job, As the Parent

Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should talk to your child about internet use and internet safety is because it is your job to do so. As a parent, it is your reasonability to guide and protect your child. Parents need to set some rules and guidelines with their children and the internet shouldn’t be any different. You don’t have to completely outlaw chat rooms, online message boards, or social networking websites, but be sure that you set clear cut rules that your child will understand concerning their use.

Reason 3 – It Will Help to Keep Them Safe

As much as we would all like to believe that the world is filled with nice, happy people, it isn’t. Unfortunately, many of those people, who may be child predators, are finding it easy to target children online. Why? Because the internet enables anyone to create their own identity. While most internet users that you meet online are truthful, all it takes is one online predator to cause serious harm or damage to a family. When you talk to your child about the dangers of the internet, you are keeping them well aware, which can help to keep them safe.

Reason 4 – You Can Teach Them What to Do

As for teaching your child what to do online, there are a number of different aspects that should be examined. For starters, teach your child how to properly use the internet, especially chat rooms and social networking websites. Let them know that they cannot discuss personal information or share pictures or videos with strangers. You should also let your child know what to do if they are targeted or harassed by someone online. This should involve coming to you immediately or saving all information, as opposed to erasing it from the computer, until you or the police can examine it.

Reason 5 – They Can Feel More Comfortable Talking to You

If your child is in high school or junior high school, they may automatically get defensive when you try to talk to them about internet safety. This is because most kids believe that they already know all that is needed to know and others just assume that you are being an overbearing parent. Despite this, discussing internet safety with your child in a calm and cool manner is likely to make your teenager feel comfortable about the issue. This increases the chances of them approaching you when they run into trouble online.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should talk to your child about internet safety. Although this piece focused on discussing internet safety with teenagers, remember that internet safety is a lesson that can and should be started as soon as your child turns a computer on.

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Evidence For Prosecution

Evidence For Prosecution

Evidence for prosecution is often sought earnestly in order to nail the crime activity that has been detected in the local area.  Many homeowners and security consultants believe that home security cameras can provide a deterrent to break ins, while also providing importance evidence in identifying convicting burglars when they are caught and tried. Others view home security cameras as giving them an option to see what is happening around their home without the need to personally venture outdoors. Depending on the system installed, they can also record and send images through a network connection to a security company monitoring the home’s security system.

Evidence For Prosecution
Click Image


Evidence For Prosecution explained

When home security cameras first became available to the public, recording was done on videocassette recorders, with the more advanced ones capable of recording 24 hours through stop-action recording sequences. Playback was typically grainy and jumpy due to the method in which they were taken, playing back about every 5th or 6th frame. Today, home security cameras can be connected to digital video recorders, complete with sound and can be programmed to record only if there is movement.

Motion sensors and heat sensors that detect a change in the ambient temperature of a room can be adapted to video cameras, but the imaging of digital recorders can provide a clear video and is easier to copy and enhance for prosecutorial purposes. The modern home security cameras can be connected to allow the viewing of multiple camera shots at one time on the same screen.

Hidden Or Exposed, Cameras Still Perform

Depending on the desired outcome of a video, the cameras can be hidden or prominently displayed to let people know they are being recorded. Some laws provide guidelines to the placement of cameras in public places, however most home camera installations can be done without restriction. Placing home security cameras in bathrooms or in other places where other residents of the home expect a large degree of privacy may invite angry responses from family members and guests in the home.

Hidden cameras can be used to identify burglars others causing problems in a home and on the other side, home security cameras that are installed in plain sight, but unreachable to invite damage or disabling, may serve as a deterrent to crime as the potential burglar wants to stay out of the limelight. Most security companies advocate having visible cameras on the perimeter of a person’s home and hidden cameras inside as a way of deterring break ins and for prosecuting those who ignore the initial warning.

When deciding to use home security cameras, it is always best to get the advice of a security expert to make sure their placement will best serve the needs of the homeowner.

Evidence For Prosecution may be closer than you think

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Home Security Best Protection

Home Security Best Protection

Home security best protection is an interactive one, having systems in place that communicate the reality of the home environment when away from home.
The thought of a burglar breaking into a home is a very scary and real fear for many people. Not only are a person’s valuables at risk, but the burglar may be dangerous and a threat to the person’s life. However, many new houses have a home security alarm system installed during construction, and even older houses are being retrofitted with a security system by home owners. These systems give a peace of mind as if there is a guardian watching over the house at all times.

What’s in a Home Security Alarm System?

A home security alarm system is most often a network of various technologies. The actual sensor that a burglar would set off might be an infrared motion detector which can detect discrepancies in movement by heat levels, meaning that a total lack of visible light would not hinder an infrared motion detector from operating. Likewise, a sensor might be a simple mechanism that triggers when doors or windows are open. Various levels of alarm include lights that turn on automatically to warn the burglar that an alarm has been triggered (and that someone is aware that the house is being broken into), a loud audio alarm that wakes anyone inside and alerts them to danger, and often an alert is sent out to the security company who installed the security system so that operators can contact the appropriate law enforcement or emergency agencies in the area.

Home Security Best Protection are multi function units

Other security technologies for a home security alarm system might include an automatic fire alarm and other emergency alarms that cover a wide range of dangerous circumstances that operate in much the same way as the aforementioned burglar alarm with both the users of the security system and the security company being alerted. However, many new technologies are being implemented into security systems yearly. A new home security alarm system might be able to measure the weight and size of an object so that, for example, a house pet would not trigger a false alarm of the system, saving the security company time and freeing up resources for more dire emergencies.

Even in the event of a false alarm, a responder for the security company will make a call to the user of the home security alarm system to make sure that they are safe and to verify that the alarm was not in fact a false alarm. Previous versions of the home security alarm system were prone to many false alarms by pets, malfunctioning parts, or dying batteries, but newer types compensate for these problems with sensors designed specifically to assess the quality of the rest of the system. Before, the best protection that homes could hope to have was a guard dog. Now, own a home security alarm system that never sleeps, never rests, and automatically reacts to a myriad of dangers while displaying human judgment in assessing threats.

Home Security Best Protection with reliable practical back up systems.

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Home Security Cameras

Home Security Cameras

When you’re not home, you really have no idea what goes on there. Someone could come in and rob you blind and, if they covered up their tracks well enough, you’d never know it. That is unless you had a home security camera kit installed. A home security camera kit comes with a small camera that can be installed on the ceiling, on the wall, or anywhere else that’s inconspicuous, so that you can keep an eye on things even when you’re not home. Having a home security camera kit is ideal if you want to know who did the deed, if you’re ever broken into. Unlike an alarm, that will only scare away a burglar, a camera can offer you evidence of the break in that you can then give to the police as evidence. That’s the best way to catch a criminal and it can only be done with a home security camera kit.

Hidden Cameras

When you install a home security camera kit, you want to make sure the camera is hidden. You don’t want to have it out in the open where a burglar could see it. That would make it too easy for that person to dismantle it or to destroy it completely. That’s why you want to have your home security camera kit in a hidden area. A good idea is to have it in a corner, or under a table, or anywhere else where it won’t be so obvious to someone entering your home. You also want to make sure that if it has cords, the cords aren’t readily visible, as these too would be too easy to destroy or cut.

Home Security Cameras And A Good Shot

If your intent is to catch a burglar coming into your home, make sure your home security camera kit is in a spot where it can get a good shot of anyone coming through the door. You should have it pointed right at the front door, or maybe get a shot of the front door and any adjacent windows. Test the camera with a person in your family to ensure that you get a good headshot. After all, a home security camera kit won’t do any good if you just get a shot of a person’s chest or leg, or some other useless part of their body. You want a face shot so your home security camera kit should be placed in order to get just that.

Movement Controlled

Some home security camera kits run a continuous loop, which means that the camera is always on. This can be hectic if you have to search through a bunch of tape if your home does get broken into. However, some home security camera kits come with cameras that only activate when they sense movement. This is ideal, as you will only have footage shot if someone actually comes in when they’re not supposed to. This is the best way to catch a burglar and it’s the best way to protect your home and your family.

Home Security Cameras for your home security

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Home Security Devices

Home Security Devices

The selection of home security devices in today’s world seems almost endless however there are a few home security devices in particular which are considered as being essential to have in order to ensure the best possible protection of your home and your family.

Important Home Security Devices

One of the top home security devices is a backup power supply. This is important in maintaining home security even when there is a power outage, which is the time when the risk of break-ins and lootings is increased that much more. As well, this is important in order to keep your home security alarm system working properly, if you already have one.

If you don’t, then you should know that this is the second most important home security device. A home security system is crucial in order to be notified and aware when someone is trying to break into your home, and some home alarm systems include extras such as Key Fobs and remotes that you can use in order to control the device from a distance.

Some systems even include a panic button that activates the house alarm and alerts the proper authorities in the event of an emergency. The features of home alarm systems vary greatly, depending on how complex you want the system to be and how much you are willing to spend on it.

Home Security Devices
Leeo Smart Alert Smoke/CO Remote Alarm Monitor for iOS and Android

Home Security Devices and Smoke Detectors

Another of the most important home security devices is the smoke detector. These add another layer to your home, especially when they are actually integrated into the home alarm system. This is because if you do have a fire, not only will you hear the alarm and be able to get out of your house safely, but as well the fire alarm, because it is connected to your home security system, will contact the fire department and the police without you ever having to worry about it.

There are plenty of other security devices that you can get for your home as well, however these are without a doubt the best of the best, and so these are the basics that are almost essentials to the home in terms of security. Where you go from there is up to you, depending on your budget and how serious you are about protecting your home.

Especially if you own a larger property you are going to want to make sure that you have the entire area covered, which means that you will most likely have to include more devices in your home security system setup overall.

Home Security Devices For The Peace Of Mind
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Home Security For Your Family

Home Security For Your Family

Home security for your family can be time specific concern depending where the family time line is a currently at.  Protecting their family and possessions against intrusions is a high priority for most people and when employment rates go down, the crime rate typically rises. Desperation can sometimes cause people to do things they normally would not do and to protect against the possibility of break ins, many are realizing that home security may help with their protection.

Home Security For Your Family

Home Security For Your Family Explained

Many families for many years did not see a need for home security, especially in areas where crime has never been a big problem. Unfortunately, many realize the need for some sort of security after they have experienced a theft. Although it is likened to closing the barn door after the horse escaped, adding home security, even after the fact, can offer protection against a reoccurrence. Everyone understands that if a professional burglar wants to get into the house, there is no system that will stop them. Instead it serves as a deterrent to amateurs and professionals not wanting to be bothered trying to defeat the system.

How elaborate a home security system a person installs is usually predicated by the value of the possessions they are hoping to protect, or the perceived danger to the family. In some areas of certain communities the chance of physical danger far outweighs the value of possessions and is considered worth every penny it costs to install.

Many Options Available To Keep Home Secure

The concept of home security goes beyond alarms and cameras, as the primary object of a good system is to prevent entry into the home without the resident’s permission. The scariest though is waking up in the middle of the night to noises of a stranger rummaging through the bedroom drawers. Preventing them from breaking in is far more important than having a video of them ransacking the drawers after they have gone.

There are opposing thoughts on the use of home security equipment, one being to keep it hidden so those who break in do not know they are secretly being watched by camera and the other is to keep the devices visible to deter them from attempting to enter. By making them visible it also gives the burglar the opportunity to disable a device while at the same time potentially scaring them aware with the fear of getting caught.

Which ever theory prevails in a discussion in the need for home security, if the thought of a need exists, chances are there should be serious inquiries into installing a home security at the residence.
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Home Security For Your Family

Therapeutic Hand Massage

Therapeutic Hand Massage

Therapeutic hand massage is an excellent way to relax and to find comfort to work related muscle / limb stress.

From the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, we all work with our hands, as they are our anatomical tools with which we perform the day-to-day tasks of living; the simple as well as the complex. Some of us use our hands to a greater extent than others in which case they may become painful, tense and stiff. And since the hands are connected to the arms, chances are that the same hard work which applies to the hands also applies to the arms. As a consequence, the arms may suffer similar pains, tenseness and stiffness. A mere five to ten minute Hand and Arm massage can literally work miracles in relieving all these unpleasant indications. However, a good Hand and Arm massage also brings with it a whole battery of other health benefits.

Therapeutic Hand Massage

Therapeutic hand massage for the entire body benefit

As a matter of fact, our hands and arms have scores of acupressure and reflexology points which are correlated and linked to a number of vital internal organs (appendix, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, stomach, brain, spleen, heart, bladder, colon, intestines, lungs) and to other remote parts of the body (sinuses, thyroid and parathyroid, hips, ovaries, testes, uterus, penis, prostate, spine, solar plexus, thymus, shoulders, knees, neck). A Hand and Arm massage, therefore, does not only result in healing the hands and arms but it also provides curative effects for such cases as poor blood circulation, arthritis, headaches, neck and shoulder pains, backache, digestive and reproductive problems, and so on and on.

Therapeutic hand massage are convenient

Hand and Arm massages are one of the easiest massages to perform on oneself and on others, and they can be safely applied anywhere and to persons of all ages and genders; infants, young children, teens, adults and senior citizens. Furthermore, Hand and Arm massages are harmless to people who are dealing with most health issues, whether they are slight, moderate or severe. Hand and Arm massages provide instant relief from stress, anxiety and nervousness as it relaxes the entire body. However, Hand and Arm massages should never be performed on hands or arms that are affected by any kind of skin disease, infection, inflammation, swelling, bruises, cuts or recently broken bones, torn ligaments, ripped tendons or surgeries. If and when oils or lotions are to be used during the Hand and Arm massage therapy, an earnest verification regarding allergies should be made and any pressure applied must be tailored to the client’s tolerance level to pain or discomfort.

A full Hand and Arm massage should ideally begin with the biceps, the muscles in front of the upper arms and those should be pressed and stroked upwards along the biceps from the elbows toward the shoulders and then back and forth across the tendons. When the biceps have had their thorough workout the triceps, the muscles in the back of the upper arms, should be approached with similarly gentle pressing and stroking movement but this time moving downwards from the armpits down to the elbows. Moving on down the arms by kneading the flesh, pressing the muscles and stroke the tendons; the massage therapist should slowly make his or her way toward the hand that is awaiting its turn for a therapeutic workout.

The hand portion of the Hand and Arm massage treatment should begin by gently pulling each finger and thumb away from the palm it attach to, while applying firm pressure to any painful or aching areas and then soothing them with moderate rubbing and rolling. The four fingers and the thumb should then be pushed upwards as far as they will go without causing undue discomfort. The thumbs should be used to massage the palms of the hands by applying firm circular motions through the entire palm while intermittently stopping in various areas, particularly those which are sore, to apply steady and direct pressure for a number of seconds. For a soothing effect on the palms and in closing of the Hand and Arm massage therapy session, the thumbs should stroke the surface of the palms in an up and down movements.

A therapeutic Hand and Arm massage can display love, appreciation and devotion more explicitly than any other free gift that anyone can think of. Just ask anyone who has ever been on the receiving or giving end of one.

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Swedish Massage therapy

Swedish Massage therapy

Swedish massage therapy which was conceived by Henri Peter Ling, a Swedish physiologist at the University of Stockholm, was publically introduced in 1812 as a means of improving blood circulation, of relieving muscle stress and pain, of increasing flexibility and of promoting total relaxation of the body and mind. The Swedish Massage was imported into the United States in the 1850s by Charles and George Taylor, two American brothers practicing medicine in New York who opened the first two Swedish clinics in the New World; the first in Boston, Massachusetts and the second in Washington, D. C. where Ulysses. S. Grant, a famed general during the American Civil War and the 18th President of the United States (1869 – 1877), allegedly frequented regularly for Swedish Massage treatments.

Swedish Massage therapy
Human feet through X ray vision

Swedish Massage therapy in the Western World

Since its inception in the early part of the 19th century, the Swedish Massage had become one of the most widely used massage techniques in the Western world and it is the basis for a number of other Western massage therapies which include the Sports Massage, the Deep Tissue Massage and the Aromatherapy. To attain its objectives, the Swedish Massage utilizes seven basic therapeutic movements:

  • Effleurage. These are long gliding and soothing strokes which are aimed toward the heart while tracing the natural curves of the body. Massage oils are often used to facilitate smooth movement and to warm the muscles.
  • Petrissage. These are movements which use strokes that lift, roll or knead soft body tissues. This process draws blood into the area and helps relax tense muscles and fascia as well as the rest of the body.
  • Pinpoint Pressure. These movements are directed toward points that are knotted or hardened and painful to the touch. Pressure is directed to these points in order to break them down and release the muscle.
  • Deep Friction. These are very small circular movements which press slightly below the surface of the skin and onto the muscle beneath it. These strokes relax muscles which contracted and tensed due to overuse or as a result of emotional stress at their deeper levels.
  • Skin Rolling. This movement involves pinching a fold of skin and moving it forward in a rolling motion. This process lifts skin off its connective tissues to promote better blood circulation for the improvement of skin tone.
  • Tapotement. This movement requires rhythmical tapping with cupped hands or with hands set in the karate-chop position. This practice awakens the body into vitality and the tingling sensation of energy and health.
  • Finger Brushing. This movement is usually performed at the closing of the Swedish Massage treatment session as fingertips are lightly brushing against the surface of the skin to relax the stimulated muscles while calming the nervous system.
  • The most outstanding health benefits of the Swedish massage are in:
  • Relaxing of tired, tense or overused muscles.
  • Improving blood circulation without overburdening the heart.
  • Increasing flexibility and widening the range of motion by stretching the body’s soft tissues: muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints and connective tissues.
  • Stimulating the nervous system while simultaneously relaxing the nerve endings.
  • Decreasing the recovery time of strained muscles by cleansing the tissues of lactic acid and uric acid as well as all other toxins and metabolic wastes.
  • Bringing the skin to a healthier and more vibrant appearance of wellness.
  • Helping the client achieve a feeling of disconnectedness and body awareness for maintaining a better posture and stance.
  • Alleviating pain and any associated discomfort due to muscle tension, fractures, sprains, sciatica and stiff joints.
  • Reducing emotion distress.

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Sports Massage Therapy

Sports Massage Therapy

Sports massage therapy can be pre event or post event or part of training to speed up recovery from training, competition or performance related stress.

Sports massage therapy in a nutshell, the Sports Massage is a specialty massage technique that was created and developed with athletes in mind. And as such, the Sports Massage prepares the bodies of professional and amateur sports persons for their best possible performance before participating in a sport and it then helps their bodies to recover afterwards. However, just because the Sports Massage was designed for those participating in sports, you do not have to be an athlete to reap the benefits from it. After all, athletes are not the only people who get injured and they by no means hold the monopoly on pain.

Sports Massage Therapy
Sport massage therapy

Sports massage therapy origins

The Sports Massage is, in effect, one of several forms of the Swedish massage and it promotes an increased circulation of blood and lymph fluids in the body. To break down or dissolve adhesion’s, which are painful clumps or knots within the muscles, and to widen the range of motion of stiffened joints, trigger point therapy is incorporated as part of the Sports Massage session. There are four different types of Sports Massage therapies and their distinction is made primarily by its time of performance in relations to the athlete’s sport activity. In other words, it is mainly their timing which makes them different from one another. The four types of Sports Massages are designated as follows:

  • Pre-Event Sports Massage. The Pre-Event Sport Massage is a vigorous but shortened massage treatment that lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and is performed right before the sports event. Its main focus is on those specific parts of the athlete’s body which will be most intensively involved in the action.
  • Post-Event Sports Massage. The Post-Event Sport Massage is performed within an hour or two of the event and its aim is to return bodies to their normal state by helping them recover from the hard work in the shortest time possible.
  • Restorative Sports Massage. The Restorative Sports Massage is applied while the athlete is in training and it helps him or her practice harder while, at the same time, decreasing the chances of incurring injuries.
  • Rehabilitative Sports Massage. The Rehabilitative Sports Massage is there to pick up the proverbial pieces by treating the injuries which resulted from the exertion of the sport. The foremost objective of Rehabilitative Sports Massage is to relieve pain and to return the body to its former, pre-injury state.

Sports massage therapy for all levels of sport participants

So, whether you are a professional or an amateur athlete or simply a citizen of the world who happens to have a precise problem such as a sore knee from your morning jog around the block or a frozen should because you slept on the wrong side of the bed or a stiff back because you forgot to use your legs when lifting the grocery back and so on, do yourself a favor and see a Sports Massage therapist. And the best way to find one is by getting referrals from reliable sources or by doing some research. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) suggests that you ask the following questions when interviewing a potential Sports Massage therapist or any other type of massage therapist, for that matter:

  • Did you graduate from a program accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA)?
  • Are you licensed or registered as a massage therapist in this state?
  • Are you certified by the national Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)?
  • Do you have training in any specific massage modalities?

Beyond all that, you should just relax and enjoy the process while your body is being directed onto the path of healing.

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Foot massage therapy

Foot massage therapy

Foot massage therapy can be really beneficial to the body, mind and the spirit. It is an excellent way to relax and to unwind from work and stress.
Some 2,500 ago and during Lord Buddha’s time in ancient India, a physician named Jivaka Komarabhacca developed a complex massage system which somehow ended up in Thailand where it was pass on by word of mouth from one generation to the next and is still practiced today in much the same way as it was so many centuries ago.

Foot massage therapy
Women Foot stepping

When the Thai alphabet was developed under King Ramkamhaeng the Great, scholars began recording all aspect of Thai society, culture and healing practices which, of course, included massage therapy. Unfortunately, future generation had little left as almost all was destroyed when Thailand’s capital of Ayuthaya was captured by the Burmese invaders in 1776. All that remained of the recorded ancient traditions was that which, under the directives of King Rama III who wanted to preserve as much as possible, was engraved on the walls of Wat Poh, one of the most famous temples in Bangkok.

Foot massage therapy origins

Based on the ancient teachings regarding massage therapies, many different kinds are practiced in modern day Thailand. The Foot massage is one of the most interesting of them all due to the fact that its principles are simple while its practice is quite a bit more complicated as the force which is applied to the foot by the massaging hands must be exceedingly accurate as it is directed toward particular nerves of the foot. The Thai believe that each part of the foot has a direct link to another remotely located part of the body such as a vital organ or a system. Therefore, applying pressure and massaging a certain area of the foot influences the soft tissues of that particular area of the foot as well as the other.

As a general rule, the Foot massage is much more effective when the foot is bare as opposed to being clad with socks or stockings. There are several basic techniques that are used by just about every Foot massage therapist and they are:

  • Sweeping and Rubbing. Most Foot massages begin with bringing an increased supply of blood into the foot by rubbing its surface lightly but long enough to create the desired warmth and the rhythm of movement.
  • Thumb Walking. The thumbs are used to apply more direct and firm pressure to various parts of the foot as well as to loosen the tense tendons which run along the its outside edge.
  • Toe Rotation. The toes are very sensitive and care should be taken when manipulating them by either rotating each toe individually or by gently pulling them upwards and outwards while squeezing gently.
  • Kneading. Kneading is accomplished by firmly but not harshly pressing and rotating the knuckles of a fisted hand back and forth across the sole of the foot, from its heel to its toes.
  • Cupping. This is a simple squeezing of the entire foot with an up and down motion of one hand while cupping it with the other.
  • The benefits of a good Foot massage are many:
  • Firmly pressing and massaging the base of the fourth toe heals an ailing heart.
  • Pressing and massaging the base of the second toe stimulates the lungs and the bronchial system for improved breathing.
  • Pressing and rolling the area between the first and second thumb relieves headaches.
  • Massaging between the third and fourth toe relaxes tired eyes and improves vision.
  • Stretching and pulling the big toe alleviates pain caused by sinusitis.
  • Rotating pressure at the ball of the foot will ease stomachaches and heal the kidneys, the bladder and the entire excretory system.
  • Applying pressure to the front of the heel delivers remedial effects to the male and female genital glands.
  • Stretching the skin backwards and forwards under both sides of the anklebone is therapeutic to the reproductive tracts of men and women.
  • Pulling the knuckle of any toe backwards along the instep eases spinal pain and improves posture.
  • Holding the foot between two hands and rubbing the top of the foot between the first and second toe with one thumb which rubbing the top of the foot between the fourth and the fifth toe with the other, relieves pain of the inner ear and the chest.
  • Massaging the inner and outer edges of the foot is beneficial to the diaphragm.
  • Pushing and massaging the soft spot beneath the anklebone reduces the pain from the sciatic nerve and stimulates the lymphatic system to cleanse the body of bacteria and toxins.
  • Enfolding and rotating the toes achieves overall relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  • With so much pressing, massaging, rolling, gyrating, pulling, stretching and stroking; all the soft tissues of the foot itself become relaxed and invigorated.\

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