With a new beginning and fresh start, Full of inspiration and positive thoughts, Let’s begin this year with an optimistic thought.
Gone are the days of regret and guilt, Those rooms full of darkness. It’s time to move with courage, Full of confidence and hope. Let’s begin this year with an optimistic thought.
“Socialism in One Country was a theory put forth by Joseph Stalin and Nikolai Bukharin in 1924 and after. The Soviet Union eventually adopted it as state policy. The theory held that given the defeat of all the communist revolutions in Europe in 1917– 1923 except Russia, the Soviet Union should strengthen itself internally. That turn toward national communism was a shift from the previously held position by Classical Marxism that socialism must be established globally (world communism). However, the theory’s proponents contend that it contradicts neither the world revolution nor world communism.”
“The theory was in opposition to Leon Trotsky’s theory of permanent Revolution.”
“The defeat of several proletarian revolutions in countries like Germany and Hungary ended Bolsheviks’ hopes for an imminent world revolution and began promotion of “Socialism in One Country” by Stalin.
In the first edition of the book Osnovy Leninizma (Foundations of Leninism, 1924), Stalin was still a follower of Vladimir Lenin’s idea that Revolution in one Country is insufficient. Lenin died in January 1924.
By the end of that year, in the second edition of the book, Stalin’s position started to turn around: the “proletariat can and must build the socialist society in one country.”
In April 1925 Nikolai Bukharin elaborated the issue in his brochure Can We Build Socialism in One Country in the Absence of the Victory of the West-European Proletariat?
The Soviet Union adopted “Socialism in One Country” as state policy after Stalin’s January 1926 article On the Issues of Leninism”.
In his 1915 article “On the Slogan for the United States of Europe,” Lenin had written: “Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist Country alone.
“After expropriating the capitalists and organizing their socialist production, the victorious proletariat of that Country will arise against the rest of the world….”
Again, in 1918, Lenin wrote: “I know that there are, of course, sages who think they are very clever and even call themselves Socialists, who assert that power should not have been seized until the Revolution had broken out in all countries.
They do not suspect that by speaking in this way, they are deserting the Revolution and going over to the side of the bourgeoisie. To wait until the toiling classes bring about a revolution on an international scale means that everybody should stand stock-still in expectation. That is nonsense.” (Speech delivered at a joint meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Moscow Soviet, May 14 1918, Collected Works, Vol. 23, page. 9.)”
After Lenin’s death, Stalin used these quotes and others to argue that Lenin shared his view of Socialism in One Country. Grigory Zinoviev and Leon Trotsky vigorously criticized the theory of Socialism in One Country. In particular, Trotskyists often claimed, and still claim, that Socialism in One Country opposes both the basic tenets of Marxism and Lenin’s specific beliefs that the final success of socialism in one Country depends upon the Revolution’s degree of success in proletarian revolutions in the more advanced countries of Western Europe.
At the Seventh Congress in March 1918 Lenin explained that:
“Regarded from the world-historical point of view, there would doubtlessly be no hope of the ultimate victory of our Revolution, if it were to remain alone if there were no revolutionary movements in other countries … I repeat, our salvation from all these difficulties is an all Europe revolution” … At all events, under all conceivable circumstances, if the German Revolution does not come, we are doomed.”
However, in the Political Report of the Central Committee to the Extraordinary Seventh Congress of the R.C.P.( B.) Lenin wrote that: “
Yes, we shall see the international world revolution, but for the time being it is a very good fairy-tale, a very beautiful fairy-tale— I quite understand children liking beautiful fairy-tales. However, is it proper for a serious revolutionary to believe in fairy-tales?”
“There is an element of reality in every fairy-tale. If you told children fairy tales in which the cock and the cat did not converse in a human language, they would not be interested.
“In the same way, ‘if you tell the people that civil war will break out in Germany and also guarantee that instead of a clash with imperialism we shall have a field revolution on a worldwide scale, the people will say you are deceiving them.”
“In doing this, you will be overcoming the difficulties with which history has confronted us only in your minds, by your wishes. It will be a good thing if the German proletariat can take action. However, have you measured it, have you discovered an instrument that will show that the German Revolution will break out on such-and-such a day? No, you do not know that, and neither do we. You are staking everything on this card.
“If the Revolution breaks out, everything is saved.”
“Of course! However, if it does not turn out as we desire, if it does not achieve victory tomorrow— what then?
Then the masses will say to you; you acted like gamblers— you staked everything on a fortunate turn of events that did not take place, you proved to be unequal to the situation that arose instead of the world revolution, which will inevitably come, but which has not yet reached maturity.”
Also, in a Letter to American Workers 1918, he wrote:
“We are banking on the inevitability of the world revolution, but this does not mean that we are such fools as to bank on the revolution inevitably coming on a definite and early date…” ( Vladimir-Lenin, 1918)
“From March, the Bolsheviks refer to themselves as Communists. Their party is the Communist Party. 1919 – Stalin elected as a member of the Politburo, the inner circle of the Central Committee and principal policy-making body in the Soviet Union. 1922 – Stalin is given the newly created post of general secretary of the Central Committee. The position places him in control of party appointments and allows him to develop his power base.
He consolidates his influence further by spying on his colleagues, a tactic that becomes a hallmark of his dictatorship. When Lenin suffered a stroke in May, a troika (triumvirate) composed of Stalin, Lev B. Kamenev, and Grigorii V. Zinoviev assumed leadership. Lenin recovers after three months and reasserts control. In letters written at the end of 1922 and the beginning of 1923, Lenin singles Stalin out for criticism.
“Comrade Stalin, having become general secretary, has unlimited authority concentrated in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution,” Lenin writes.
“Stalin is too rude and this defect, although quite tolerable in our midst and in dealing with us Communists, becomes intolerable in a general secretary. That is why I suggest the comrades think about a way of removing Stalin from that post and appointing another man in his stead, who in all other respects differs from Comrade Stalin, in having only one advantage, namely, that of being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, and more considerate to the comrades, less capricious, etc..”
“This circumstance may appear to be a negligible detail. But I think … it is not a detail, or it is a detail which can assume decisive importance.”
Lenin also criticizes Stalin for using coercion to force non-Russian republics to join the Soviet Union, saying he has behaved like a “vulgar Great-Russian bully.”
“I think that Stalin’s haste and his infatuation with the pure administration, together with his spite against the notorious ‘nationalist-socialism,’ played a fatal role here,”
Lenin writes. “In politics, spite generally plays the basest of roles.” However, the party takes no action. Stalin remained as general secretary when Lenin died on January 21, 1924, 1925 – Following Lenin’s death, the Kamenev-Zinoviev-Stalin troika again comes to prominence. Stalin consolidates his power base until he can break with Kamenev and Zinoviev.
He has the city of Tsaritsin renamed Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and allows the development of a Stalin personality cult and propaganda campaign. From 1926 to 1930, he progressively ousts his opponents on the left and right of the party, silencing debate about options for the development of communism and the USSR.
By the end of the decade, Stalin has emerged as the supreme leader of the Soviet Union.
Cultists hail him as a “shining sun,” “the staff of life,” a “great teacher and friend,” the “hope of the future for the workers and peasants of the world” and the “genius of mankind, the greatest genius of all times and people.” 1928 – Stalin introduces the first five-year plan, the “revolution from above,” to develop the USSR. “We are 50 to 100 years behind the advanced countries,” he said in 1931.
“We must cover this distance in 10 years. Either we do this, or they will crush us.”
The state takes control of the economy, introducing a program of rapid industrialization and agrarian consolidation and setting unrealistic goals for development. Industry and commerce are nationalized.
All social, political, and regulatory power is centered on the state. Twenty-five million peasant farmers are forced to collectivize their property and then work on the new state-controlled farms. Wealthy peasants (kulaks) and the uncooperative are arrested and either executed or deported to work camps in Siberia.
The collectivized farms are required to meet ever-increasing production quotas, even if this results in starvation on the farm. In the Ukrainian Republic, up to five million peasants starved to death in the famine of 1932 to 1933, when the state refused to divert food supplies allocated to industrial and military needs. About one million starve to death in the North Caucasus.
By 1937, the social upheaval caused by the “revolution from above” has resulted in the deaths of up to 14.5 million Soviet peasants.
1929 – The Politburo begins to discuss the expansion of the work camp system set up by Lenin following the Bolshevik Revolution.
The system comes to be known as the Gulag Archipelago or Gulag. (Gulag is an acronym of Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei – Russian for Main Camp Administration.)
1932 – Although the industry has failed to meet its production targets, and agricultural output has dropped in comparison with 1928 yields, Stalin announces that the first five-year plan has successfully met its goals in only four years.
The second five-year plan was introduced in 1933 and the third in 1938.
On November 8, Stalin’s second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, commits suicide following Stalin’s argument during a party at the Kremlin. Her suicide also reportedly comes after a group of students she is teaching are arrested for sedition after attempting to inform Stalin of the plight of the peasants. Nadezhda Alliluyeva’s suicide and the scathing personal note she leaves him are believed to have had a shattering effect on Stalin.
1934 – Stalin’s purges of party members suspected of disloyalty begin in December after Leningrad party chief Sergei Kirov is assassinated. Thousands from the Leningrad party office are deported to work camps in Siberia. Not many returned alive. At show trials held in Moscow between 1936 and 1938, dozens of former party leaders are forced to confess to crimes against the Soviet state. They are then executed. Among those put to death are Kamenev and Zinoviev, the former members of the troika that included Stalin.
By the end of 1938, almost every leading member of the original Bolsheviks has been killed.
The campaign of terror, flamed by the secret police (the NKVD, or People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs – the forerunner of the KGB, or Komitet Gosudarstvenoi Bezopasnosti), extends throughout the party and into the general community, including the military high command. Also targeted are scientists, artists, priests, and intellectuals. All told, about one million are executed in what comes to be known as The Great Terror, The Great Purge, or the Yezhovshina (after the head of the NKVD, Nikolai Yezhov). At least 9.5 million more are deported, exiled or imprisoned in work camps, with many of the estimated five million sent to the Gulag never returning alive. Other estimates place the number of deported at 28 million, including 18 million sent to the Gulag. Stalin personally orders the trials of about 44,000 and signs thousands of death warrants. He also ends early release from work camps for good behavior.”
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SOCIALIST IDEOLOGY During the Finnish Liberation War (27 January – 15 May 1918) concerned the transition of leadership and the control of Finland during the transition from a Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire to an independent state of Finland.
In theory, the core ideology of socialism is when a population collectively owns and controls the means of production and distributes the result proportionally. The control delegated to the State. While the distribution usually comes in the form of underlying social welfare to satisfy everyone’s basic needs, like housing, education, and healthcare. The ideals end goal and purpose of socialism were to guarantee a level playing field for members of society, thereby removing class distinctions based on ownership.
In reality, it was like a one-sided coin. An ideology that was rooted in unbelief, lawlessness, and atheism. The founders resorted to rebellion, violence, and anarchy. Committing murder, for their godless political ends. USSR was a vile manifestation of the erroneous human carnal nature, heart, and mind corruption.
The only objective for the fruits of the sinful man and the Nemesis of humanity to manifest on earth.
Their ideology was delusional, and it was a purely materialistic worldview; it became defined as a Dialectic Materialism philosophy, not people-centered with spiritual values, but instead purely 100% materialistic worldview.
Karl Marx had a Jewish heritage, but he deliberately turned 180 degrees around from the
Super naturalism
Distinctiveness of his Jewish heritage to embrace
Atheism and
Communist ideology.
Marxism retains all the major structural and emotional factors of biblical religion in a secularized form. He is a false prophet in every sense of the word.
(Encyclopedia, Karl Marx, 2018)
“So remember that the Lord is the only true Elohim, whether in the sky above or on the earth below.” Deuteronomy 4: 39. (1446 BC)
”Marx, like Moses, is the prophet who leads the new Chosen People, the proletariat, out of the slavery of capitalism into the Promised Land of communism across the Red Sea of bloody worldwide revolution and through the wilderness of temporary, dedicated suffering for the party, the new priesthood.”
“The revolution is the new “Day of Yahweh,” the Day of Judgment; The party spokesmen are the new prophets, and political purges within the party to maintain ideological purity are the new divine judgments on the waywardness of the Chosen and their leaders.
The messianic tone of communism makes it structurally and emotionally more like a religion than any other political system except fascism”. “Just as Marx took over the forms and the spirit of his religious heritage, but not the content, he did the same with his Hegelian philosophical heritage, transforming Hegel’s philosophy of “dialectical idealism” into “dialectical materialism!
Marx stood Hegel on his head,” the saying goes. Marx inherited seven radical ideas from Hegel:
The idea that everything is one and that common sense’s distinction between matter and spirit is illusory. For Hegel, the matter was only a form of spirit; for Marx, the spirit was only a form of matter.
The notion that the distinction between Creator and creature, the distinctively Jewish idea, is false. For Hegel, the world is made into an aspect of God (Hegel was a pantheist); for Marx, God reduced to the world (Marx was an atheist).
The idea that everything changes, even truth; that there is nothing above history to judge it; and that therefore what is right in one era becomes false in another, or vice versa. In other words, Time is God.
The idea that history moves only by conflicts between opposing forces, a “thesis” vs. an “antithesis” evolving a “higher synthesis.” This applies to classes, nations, institutions, and ideas. The dialectic waltz plays on in history’s ballroom until the kingdom of God finally comes-which Hegel virtually identified with the Prussian State. Marx internationalized it to the worldwide communist State.
Necessitarianism, or fatalism:
The idea that the dialectic and its outcome are inevitable and necessary, not free. Marxism is a sort of Calvinistic predestination without a divine Predestinator.
The idea that since there is no eternal, trans-historical truth or law, the State is supreme and uncriticizable. Marx again internationalized Hegel’s nationalism here.
The idea that since there is no universal natural or eternal law above states to judge and resolve differences between them, war is inevitable and necessary as long as there are states.”
Dealing with your Spouses new Love Interest Being Around your Children
Nothing seems to
generate jealousy after a divorce than
when one parent has a new love interest. In most cases, it has nothing to do with the fact that their ex has a new
partner. What bothers people though is that this new love interest will be around
their children. Very few people are able to
accept someone else stepping into that role, even if only for a little while.
This is something that divorced couples do end up
dealing with though. Some individuals date seriously for a while and then move
on to someone else. Others will find someone that they eventually marry so your children will have a stepparent in their lives. Chances are you will learn about these other people from your children.
You certainly can’t stop your ex-spouse from being
with someone else. There is no law against it so even if you don’t
like it you will have to make the best of
it. Since your concern will be for your children, you
need to make sure they are well taken care of.
If you feel your ex-spouse is a good parent, then you
shouldn’t have too much fear. It is doubtful that they will be with another adult
who isn’t going to treat the children
hatred and animosity that often grows though between an original parent and
someone that the other parent dates or marries is often unbelievable though. You can
be sure the children will quickly pick up on it. They may feel guilty telling you that they like that other person. They may
not want to be around them as they think
it is disloyal to their own parent.
It is essential to discuss the issue openly with the
children though. They may have a hard time initially seeing their parent with
someone new. Even though most children understand divorce, secretly many of
them hold out for their parents to get back together. When they see their
parents with other people through the
reality that it isn’t going to happen
settles in and has to be addressed.
It is important to
express to your children that they need
to have respect for those individuals that their parents are dating or
eventually marry. They need to know those individuals don’t replace their own
parents though. The lines may be blurred here as far as rules, and things so make sure you clarify what the situation is going to be.
You do need to be
prepared for the fact that the new love interest will likely be
accompanying your ex-spouse to events for your
child. If you can take the time to say
hello and be warm on some level, it is
going to help. Likewise, you need to
avoid telling your new love interest
about issues you have had with your ex-spouse.
You don’t
want them to have a negative perception of that person based on what you have shared.
It can definitely sting when you see your ex-spouse with a new love interest. This is more likely to be true if you are still in love with them on some level. Yet you have to do your best to let go. You don’t have to become best friends with their new respect partner, but it is to your advantage to get to know them on some level. After all, they will be spending time with your children.
Thank you for visiting Arctic Suomi .net website and reading up on this Dealing with your Spouses new Love Interest Being Around your Children article post. For more similar articles visit http://arcticfinland.net website.
The Salpa Anti-Tank Defensive line started in 1940 was enormous effort to stop Soviet tanks invading Finland. Anti-tank guns were not widely available in 1939, the were relatively new technology from Germany in 1940-41. Gray Nordic granite was cut into rectangle shape oblong blocks, and sunk deep into the ground standing up. The Anti-tank physical barrier using mined granite, restricted the Soviet invasion to roam freely across the Finland borders in the worst case scenario. The Salpa defensive line was far inland, out of reach of the Soviet heavy artillery. From the Gulf of Finland to the Arctic Sea defense line, at least in theory, was 1200 kilometers long.
There were four lines of defense prepared to defend Finland in 1944 against the Soviet invasion.
1. Main front line
2. V-T line
4. Salpa Line
1939 Nazi German–Soviet Pact of Aggression
During the 1939 Soviet War against Peace, there were two defensive lines to block the Soviets from invasion.
1. Main Defense-Line
2. Mannerheim -Defense LIne
The Mannerheim Defense Line
“The Mannerheim Line was a defensive fortification line on the Karelian Isthmus built by Finland against the Soviet Union. During the Winter War, it became known as the Mannerheim Line, after Field Marshal Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim. The line was constructed in two phases: 1920–1924 and 1932–1939. By November 1939, when the Winter War began, the line was by no means complete.”
The Commander-in-chief of Finland 1940 Military Baron Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, ordered Edvard F Hanell as the head of the new Eastern border fortification, at the end of March 1940. He worked during the Winter War at the headquarters as a pioneer commander for the defense constructions. Hanell was Jager officer, pioneer, engineer, and concrete expert. He studied in France for his Education.
The practical planners of the fortress would be armed defense groups of the military. The underlying idea was that the forces that design and build it would possibly be fighting in their own fortification. Thus, providing motivation at all stages as a most efficient result.
The main principle was to build a fortress roughly far enough from the border out of reach of the enemy’s guns. In most part, it was built out of reach of the Soviet high caliber guns, with the only exception of the southernmost part along the Gulf of Finland. The eastern Salpa -line fortress plan under Hanelli was approved on 11 May 1940.
Salpa Line Defensive
“The construction of the Salpa Line began at the end of the Winter War in 1940. At first, volunteers worked there—then people ineligible for the war service were mobilized. The maximum number of workers, on-site was near 35 000 in the spring of 1941. The Salpa-Line stretches northwards from the Gulf of Finland to the Barents sea, 1200 kilometer distance.”
“They built 728 various concrete installations along the defensive line, 315 km of wire obstacles, 225 km of anti-tank obstacles, 130 km of anti-tank ditches, more than 3000 entrenchments, 254 concrete infantry shelters, trenches, rifleman’s cells and dugouts composed the power and strength of this defensive line.”
“Numerous lakes, marshes, and small rocks were also incorporated in the defensive line. For example, the Lake Saimaa area is a labyrinth of lakes of varying sizes, islands, straits and rivers, making the area very easy to defend. 90% of all the concrete installations of the Salpa-Line were on the line between the Gulf of Finland and the Lake Saimaa waterway system.”
“The VKT-line or Viipuri–Kuparsaari–Taipale line was a Finnish defensive line on Karelian Isthmus during the Continuation War, spanning from Viipuri (Vyborg) through Tali and Kuparsaari along the northern shore of Vuoksi River, Suvanto and Taipaleenjoki to Taipale on the western shore of Lake Ladoga, using natural benefits of the eastern part of the destroyed Mannerheim Line.”
The VT-line or Vammelsuu–Taipale line was a Finnish defensive line on the Karelian Isthmus built in 1942–1944 during the Continuation War and running from Vammelsuu on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland through Kuuterselkä and Kivennapa and along Taipaleenjoki to Taipale on the western shore of Lake Ladoga.
“The construction of the Salpa Defense Line was an enormous effort for war-torn Finland in the 1940s, which Edvard Hanell, head of the fortification itself, described as a show of strength from the entire Finnish engineering team.”
“In the fortification work, a number of different mining and concrete construction techniques were developed, which have since become useful in peace-building work. In the construction of the Salpalline, the latest technologies in the field were combined with the experiences gained during the Winter War, creating a united effort for the defense of Finland by optimizing the natural terrain for defense against the Soviet aggression. ”
“The combined effort uniting the workforce for the fortification line over 1200 kilometers is impressive: a total of 728 different types of reinforced concrete bunkers, gun bill boxes, and gun pits, and underground wood reinforced tunnels were built in Salpalinja; more than 3,000 underground accommodation facilities, about 315 kilometers of tank blocking obstacles cut out of grey granite, 315 kilometers of barbed wire obstacles, 130 kilometers of anti-tank trenches and 350 kilometers of connecting trenches for fighting.
In the battles of the summer of 1944, among Finnish soldiers, the Salpa-line was seen as a last resort, against the worse scenario of the Soviet breaking through the other three defense lines across the Karelian Isthmus.”
“Salpa defense line was the Last defense line, which was said to have formed the military backbone of the Army in the fight against the summer of 1944. The soldiers knew that Salpalinja was far behind their backs there was the most substantial ground defense line ever built in Finland by the defense engineers, which would allow the troops to delay fighting and draw back further while concentrating on the changing situations of the defensive, even when the front was broken.”
“During the Second World War, the Finnish army proved highly capable of defending its country for a time, even with limited preparation for a major war that nobody believed would come against none threatening Finland. Undoubtedly, the Salpa-line would also have been a tough obstacle for the Soviet to defeat, which would have created even a greater military concentration by the Soviets, and increased their own casualties many times over.
This was also known in the Soviet Union. It was not possible to circumvent the Salpa-line, and after the massive battles of the 1944 early summer months, there was less willingness to try, in the high probability of significant casualties, to attempt to break the Salpalinja.”
“The Soviet leadership had noticed that the Finns’ defense was not easily broken with even overwhelming numbers of foot soldiers and armory. The Soviet troops along the Finnish front were decided to conserve and send to more priority missions, to strike Germany in Central Europe. That decision indeed saved a large number of lives on both sides”.
Should You Let Your Child Use an Internet Chat Room?
Are you the parent of a child who has recently decided that they want to use internet chat rooms? Or, are you a parent who has just learned that your child has been using internet chat rooms? If you are, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. Yes, internet chat rooms are a great way to make new friends online, but they can be dangerous. So, should you let your child use online chat rooms?
When it comes to determining if your child is ready to use online chat rooms, it is best to examine the pros and cons of them. For starters, there are chat rooms out there that are designed for children and teenagers. By visiting these chat rooms, your child should be paired with their peers. They may also be able to make new online friends and communicate with their friends from school easily online.
Group of young people standing together and holding hands.
Should You Let Your Child Use an Internet Chat Room? Explained
Meeting new friends online and communicating with current friends over the internet, by way of internet chat rooms, is nice. It, however, is also important to remember that there are dangers to doing so as well. For starters, it is important to remember that anyone can get into a chat room. Just because a chat room that your child uses is designed for kids between the ages of 8 and 15, it doesn’t mean that everyone in that chat room falls into that age range.
As for why it is easy for an adult to get into a chat room and pretend to be a child it is because not all internet chat rooms are monitored. With that said, you should be able to find a number of chat rooms for children and teens that are monitored. This means that an adult will be there watching all conversations to make sure that they are appropriate. Remember though that an adult pretending to be a child may be able to slide under the radar.
As previously stated, an adult could easily pretend to be a child, enter a chat room for children, and target those in the room. This is easy for many internet predators to do because the internet makes it very simple for children to be targeted. A whole new, false identity can be created and you and your child may never know until it is too late.
Despite the fact that there are a number of cons or downsides to letting children and teenagers use internet chat rooms, many parents still let their children do so. If you want to be one of those parents, that is fine, but be sure that both you and your child know the dangers that lurk. Make sure they know not to give out personal information in a chat room because the person on the other end of the computer may not be who they say they are.
Also, for your child’s protection, find internet chat rooms for them to use. Even if your child knows that dangers lurk, they may still opt for the most popular chat rooms, even if they aren’t very safe. When searching for safe chat rooms for your child to use, start with a standard internet search. Next, look for those that have staffed monitors, as well as those that do not have private messaging features.
For added safety and security, have your computer in a well trafficked location. This is likely to reduce the amount of time that they spend in a chat room, as they may feel like they are being watched. You can also limit the use of chat rooms unless you are home or in the same room. Of course, you can ban your child from visiting online chat rooms if you wish, as you do have the right to do so.
As a reminder, be sure to talk to your child or teenager about the dangers of communicating with strangers on the internet. Having online friends are nice, but make sure your child knows that they should stay just that “online,” friends.
Thank you for visiting Arctic Suomi website and reading this Should You Let Your Child Use an Internet Chat Room? article post. I hope this article was informative and helpful. For more articles on the Children Use of the Internet and Safety visit http://arcticfinland.net/5-reasons-internet-can-dangerous-children-teens/
Parents: What You Need to Know About Social Networking Websites
Are you the parent of a teenager? If you are, there is a good chance that your child is interested in using social networking websites, like MySpace, if they don’t already. Although these websites are a nice way to stay in contact with friends, especially those who may have moved away, they can also be dangerous. That is why, as a parent, you should learn as much as you can about popular social networking websites.
A concept around the word Education with great terms such as degree, diploma, university, reading and more. Taking the time to learn new knowledge.
What You Need to Know About Social Networking Websites Explained
It is first important to know that social networking websites, especially MySpace, are popular. Even if you think that your teenager isn’t using them, they may be. This is because most high school and junior high school students think that social networking websites, like MySpace, are “cool.” In fact, MySpace and other similar websites are hot topics that are discussed in many schools across the country.
As popular as social networking websites are, it is important to also know that they can be dangerous. This doesn’t, however, mean that you automatically have to ban your child from using them. As the parent, you have the right to control which websites your child visits in your home and on your computer, but knowledge is key. If your child knows the dangers that lurk on social networking websites, they are better able to protect themselves and use social networking websites as they were meant to be used, to easily and safely communicate with friends.
What you also need to know about social networking websites is that just about anyone can read what your child posts online. That is why children, typically those under the age of 18, should have their profiles set to private. This way, only those who are accepted as their friends can see what they have posted. Otherwise, your teenager daughter may innocently post a picture from last summer’s pool party and a child predator could get the wrong impression or want to target your daughter just because of that otherwise innocent photo they were able to view.
Speaking of internet predators, they have been known to target social networking websites. What is so concerning about this is that many teens and their parents don’t realize that they are dealing with an internet predator until it becomes too late. Just because an internet user has a profile and pictures that make them look like a 15 year old boy or girl, it doesn’t mean that they are the same age as your child. In fact, they could even be a registered sex offender.
As it was previously stated, pictures or videos that a child posts on their MySpace page or the page of another social networking profile can be viewed and misinterpreted by others. There are also other dangers associated with posting personal pictures and videos. As cool as your teenager may think it is to have a picture or video of them doing a prank or drinking, it could land them into a lot of trouble. Many schools and police departments are starting to use MySpace and other social networking websites to their advantage. Your teen may find themselves in trouble with the law, suspended from school, or suspended from their extra curricular activities.
It is also important to know that some social networking websites make it easy for your child’s real identity to be discovered. This could lead to someone showing up at your door, stalking your child, sending them letters, or even calling your home. For example, MySpace posts your location online, which often includes your city and state. There is also a spot where your child can enter in what school they attend. Combine this with a picture and your teen can easily become a target.
As previously stated, social networking websites can be dangerous, but that danger decreases when your child is aware of it. Ways that you can protect your child involve having them set all social networking profiles to private. Establish rules about accepting new online friends. You will also want to view your child’s profile from time to time. Are any personal pictures or videos posted? If so, you may want to have your child remove them. Also, make sure that no personal information, including full name, address, phone number, and school name, is divulged.
Thank you fro visiting Arctic Suomi website and reading this Parents: What You Need to Know About Social Networking Websites article post. I hope this article was informative and helpful in your search for information in regard to What You Need to Know About Social Networking Websites. For more articles on the Children Use of the Internet, visit the Arctic Fresh Water website http://arcticfreshwater.net/children-online-chat-rooms/
The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen
Are you a parent? If you are, have you already had the internet safety talk with your child? If you have yet to do so, this is a discussion that you will want to have. Since many teenagers like using social networking websites, online message boards, internet chat rooms, and instant messaging programs, internet safety is a subject that must be discussed.
As nice as it is to hear that you should talk about internet safety and internet use in general with your child, you may be curious as to why it is important that you do so. For your convenience, just a few of the many reasons why you should have the internet safety talk with your child are outlined below.
woman concentrating to read
The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen: 1 – They May Not Know
How old is your child? If they are just starting to use the internet, they may be unaware of the dangers that lurk on many popular websites, including online chat rooms and social networking websites. If your child has just started using the internet to research school projects, be sure you discuss internet safety with them, as it won’t be long before they realize that they can communicate with and make new friends online.
Reason 2 – It Is Your Job, As the Parent
Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should talk to your child about internet use and internet safety is because it is your job to do so. As a parent, it is your reasonability to guide and protect your child. Parents need to set some rules and guidelines with their children and the internet shouldn’t be any different. You don’t have to completely outlaw chat rooms, online message boards, or social networking websites, but be sure that you set clear cut rules that your child will understand concerning their use.
Reason 3 – It Will Help to Keep Them Safe
As much as we would all like to believe that the world is filled with nice, happy people, it isn’t. Unfortunately, many of those people, who may be child predators, are finding it easy to target children online. Why? Because the internet enables anyone to create their own identity. While most internet users that you meet online are truthful, all it takes is one online predator to cause serious harm or damage to a family. When you talk to your child about the dangers of the internet, you are keeping them well aware, which can help to keep them safe.
Reason 4 – You Can Teach Them What to Do
As for teaching your child what to do online, there are a number of different aspects that should be examined. For starters, teach your child how to properly use the internet, especially chat rooms and social networking websites. Let them know that they cannot discuss personal information or share pictures or videos with strangers. You should also let your child know what to do if they are targeted or harassed by someone online. This should involve coming to you immediately or saving all information, as opposed to erasing it from the computer, until you or the police can examine it.
Reason 5 – They Can Feel More Comfortable Talking to You
If your child is in high school or junior high school, they may automatically get defensive when you try to talk to them about internet safety. This is because most kids believe that they already know all that is needed to know and others just assume that you are being an overbearing parent. Despite this, discussing internet safety with your child in a calm and cool manner is likely to make your teenager feel comfortable about the issue. This increases the chances of them approaching you when they run into trouble online.
As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should talk to your child about internet safety. Although this piece focused on discussing internet safety with teenagers, remember that internet safety is a lesson that can and should be started as soon as your child turns a computer on.
Thank you for visiting Arctic Suomi website and reading The Importance ofDiscussing Internet Safety with Your Teen article post. I hope this article was informative and helpful in your search for The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen. For more articles on the Internet and kids safety , visit http://arcticfinland.net/internet-kids-young-young/ visit
Evidence for prosecution is often sought earnestly in order to nail the crime activity that has been detected in the local area. Many homeowners and security consultants believe that home security cameras can provide a deterrent to break ins, while also providing importance evidence in identifying convicting burglars when they are caught and tried. Others view home security cameras as giving them an option to see what is happening around their home without the need to personally venture outdoors. Depending on the system installed, they can also record and send images through a network connection to a security company monitoring the home’s security system.
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Evidence For Prosecution explained
When home security cameras first became available to the public, recording was done on videocassette recorders, with the more advanced ones capable of recording 24 hours through stop-action recording sequences. Playback was typically grainy and jumpy due to the method in which they were taken, playing back about every 5th or 6th frame. Today, home security cameras can be connected to digital video recorders, complete with sound and can be programmed to record only if there is movement.
Motion sensors and heat sensors that detect a change in the ambient temperature of a room can be adapted to video cameras, but the imaging of digital recorders can provide a clear video and is easier to copy and enhance for prosecutorial purposes. The modern home security cameras can be connected to allow the viewing of multiple camera shots at one time on the same screen.
Hidden Or Exposed, Cameras Still Perform
Depending on the desired outcome of a video, the cameras can be hidden or prominently displayed to let people know they are being recorded. Some laws provide guidelines to the placement of cameras in public places, however most home camera installations can be done without restriction. Placing home security cameras in bathrooms or in other places where other residents of the home expect a large degree of privacy may invite angry responses from family members and guests in the home.
Hidden cameras can be used to identify burglars others causing problems in a home and on the other side, home security cameras that are installed in plain sight, but unreachable to invite damage or disabling, may serve as a deterrent to crime as the potential burglar wants to stay out of the limelight. Most security companies advocate having visible cameras on the perimeter of a person’s home and hidden cameras inside as a way of deterring break ins and for prosecuting those who ignore the initial warning.
When deciding to use home security cameras, it is always best to get the advice of a security expert to make sure their placement will best serve the needs of the homeowner.
Evidence For Prosecution may be closer than you think
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Home security best protection is an interactive one, having systems in place that communicate the reality of the home environment when away from home.
The thought of a burglar breaking into a home is a very scary and real fear for many people. Not only are a person’s valuables at risk, but the burglar may be dangerous and a threat to the person’s life. However, many new houses have a home security alarm system installed during construction, and even older houses are being retrofitted with a security system by home owners. These systems give a peace of mind as if there is a guardian watching over the house at all times.
What’s in a Home Security Alarm System?
A home security alarm system is most often a network of various technologies. The actual sensor that a burglar would set off might be an infrared motion detector which can detect discrepancies in movement by heat levels, meaning that a total lack of visible light would not hinder an infrared motion detector from operating. Likewise, a sensor might be a simple mechanism that triggers when doors or windows are open. Various levels of alarm include lights that turn on automatically to warn the burglar that an alarm has been triggered (and that someone is aware that the house is being broken into), a loud audio alarm that wakes anyone inside and alerts them to danger, and often an alert is sent out to the security company who installed the security system so that operators can contact the appropriate law enforcement or emergency agencies in the area.
Home Security Best Protection are multi function units
Other security technologies for a home security alarm system might include an automatic fire alarm and other emergency alarms that cover a wide range of dangerous circumstances that operate in much the same way as the aforementioned burglar alarm with both the users of the security system and the security company being alerted. However, many new technologies are being implemented into security systems yearly. A new home security alarm system might be able to measure the weight and size of an object so that, for example, a house pet would not trigger a false alarm of the system, saving the security company time and freeing up resources for more dire emergencies.
Even in the event of a false alarm, a responder for the security company will make a call to the user of the home security alarm system to make sure that they are safe and to verify that the alarm was not in fact a false alarm. Previous versions of the home security alarm system were prone to many false alarms by pets, malfunctioning parts, or dying batteries, but newer types compensate for these problems with sensors designed specifically to assess the quality of the rest of the system. Before, the best protection that homes could hope to have was a guard dog. Now, own a home security alarm system that never sleeps, never rests, and automatically reacts to a myriad of dangers while displaying human judgment in assessing threats.
Home Security Best Protection with reliable practical back up systems.
Thank you for visiting http://arcticsuomi.net website and taking the time to read this Home Security Best Protection article post. I hope this was helpful and useful to your search online. Please do share this website link with your friends. If you would like to read articles on similar topics visit http://arcticfreshwater.net